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AAEE Indigenous Knowledge events

Coming up this quarter

Did you know AAEE chapters host state and regional conferences most years? The most recent one was hosted by the NSW chapters in Albury and Wagga Wagga, Wiraduri Country on 9-12 October 2024 'Learning for Change, yalbilinya nganhagu hurray''

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Thursday, 2 December 2021


​​AAE​E ACT invites all  ​members and friends​to ​field visit to the  

Sustainable Woodland and Meadow Urban Woodland Site  

with  ​​​guest presenter Alice Hathorn, Founder of ACT Urban Woodland Rescue​

Fowles St Urban Bush Restoration Site Tour ​

Date: ​Friday 3r​d December​​ 2021 at 5:30 pm

Location: Fowles St, Weston ​ACT meeting point at the playground.

​​Alice Hathorn has kindly agreed to give a site inspection of Fowles Street  Sustainable Woodland and Meadow Urban Woodland Site. Demonstrating changes a small community can make to increase urban biodiversity and restore ecosystem function to a woodland pocket park.

Learn about the journey of a small urban park's return to ecological health applying the simple evidence-based woodland and meadow method.  View the stunning parkland, designed to restore biodiversity and ecological function, learn how this method could be applied in Canberra's schools, gardens and parks to create a sustainable network of ecological services across the city.

Please RSVP to Julia Landford, Vice-President, AAEE ACT  to

 by COB​​ Wednesday 2nd December, 2021


Wednesday, 1 December 2021

AAEE ACT Excellence in Environmental Education 2021 Awards & AGM


AAEE ACT Chapter Annual General meeting

The Annual General meeting was held on 24 November -Minutes here 

Congratulation's AAEEACT Executive for 2022!

  • President -Vivienne Pearce (ANBG)

  • Vice President – Julia Landford (NatureArt Lab)

  • Treasurer –Jodie Green (CIT)

  • Secretary – Kate Rhook & Public Officer (Icon Water)

  • Karon Campbell (ACT Primary School), Taz Whan (ACT Secondary School) and Andrew O’Meara (Woodlands and Wetlands Trust)

  • To be Co-opted at first meeting– Angela Crompton (Actsmart Schools), Sue Jones (DanceKids)

What a diverse group of educators to lead AAEEACT in 2022!

This was followed by the ACT 2021 Environmental Education Excellence Awards and a guest presentation by David Shorthouse from STEP Garden at National Arboretum. This informative presentation showcased the development of an important ecosystem and wonderful resource available to the community to learn more about the southern tableland ecosystems of the Canberra Region.


2021 ACT Excellence in 

Environmental Education Awards 

 Congratulations to AAEE ACT Environmental Educators of the Year awardees

The ACT Environmental Educator for 2021 - Kate Rhook  Icon Water; for Outstanding contribution to Environmental Education.

 Early Career Environmental Educator 2021 Award - Andrew O’Meara – Jerrabomberra Wetlands; 

(LR) Highly Commended Early Career Environmental Educator 2021  Awardee’s Kate Southwell and Daniel Harris–Pascal ACT for Actsmart programs.