A New Year 2025 and a New Committee!
You can reach the team, all these amazing educators, via aaeeact@gmail.com
President - Julie Armstrong, artist, ACT for Bees founder, national AAEE Environmental Educator of the Year 2023, to list but a few of Julie’s skills and interests.
Vice-President - Glenys Patulny OAM, long term community, education and environmental activist, President Tuggeranong Community Council and Deputy Chair Southern ACT Catchment Group.
Secretary – Karl-Erik Paasonen, EALDI/ESL and History highschool and college teacher.
Treasurer and Public officer - Jodie Green, National AAEE Treasurer and Public Officer, science and maths high school and college teacher.
Executive members
Vivienne Pearce OAM V.P. national AAEE, Educator Australian National Botanic Gardens-ANBG) Donella Johnston secondary teacher and part-time educator at ANBG
Monty Nixon PhD education student University of Canberra (U.C) and winner of the AAEE 2023 Brian Foreman Scholarship, which enabled him to attend and run a workshop with fellow U.C student Jordan Harrison at AAEE 2023 conference on ‘Country as a Teacher’
Karon Campbell, Primary Sustainability Teacher and Science Educator Association ACT member
Vacancy- if you are interested in joining Executive, contact us at aaeeact@gmail.com , we are interested particularly in help to assist our secretary in the area of member communications, help and mentorship to learn new skills are available.
Previous Executive members, who will still be advising and helping this year’s executive:
Tarun Whan, Secondary Teacher and SEAACT (Science teachers) member.
Julia Landford, founder NatureArt Lab, immediate past V.P. AAEEACT, winner 2024 Telstra Best of Business ACT State Award for Building Communities.
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