Click here for the current AAEE ACT Chapter Update

AAEE Indigenous Knowledge events

Coming up this quarter

Did you know AAEE chapters host state and regional conferences most years? The most recent one was hosted by the NSW chapters in Albury and Wagga Wagga, Wiraduri Country on 9-12 October 2024 'Learning for Change, yalbilinya nganhagu hurray''

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Here are the dates for the year for meetings and events organised by environmental education network member group AAEE ACT (which hosts this blog). Green Ed Drinks and Links is ACT AAEE's quarterly environmental education guest speaker webinars, tours and workshop series with social and professional networking. 

Feeling some inspiration for a new event? Let us know at

ACT Chapter AAEE Calendar Dates 2023 

Chapter Executive Business Meetings: Alternating 1st and 4th Monday each Month, zoom and/or f2f and Green Ed and Networking dates: 1 per Term

School Holidays December 16 - January 28
February 27 Business Meeting
March 22 World Water Day Green Ed Networking Walk Jerrabomberra Wetlands
March Strategic/Planning Meeting - substitute for March Business meeting Sunday 26 ANBG

School holidays - 7- 26 April (Easter and ANZAC day)
Term 2
May 1 (later due to hols.) Business Meeting
June 5 Business Meeting
July 10 Business Meeting

School holidays June 30 - July 14
Term 3
July 29 Networking Event Nature in Focus The Old Barn Gallery with NatureArt Lab
Gallery: 18 Beltana Road, Pialligo, 2pm (World Nature Conservation Day 28 July)
August 11/12 Landcare Environmental Volunteers Conference
August 7 Business Meeting with the ACT's Arthur Thyne Reid scholars 
September 4 (due to school hols.) 

School holidays 22-Sept - 6 October
Term 4
September 25-27- AAEE Conference Monday 25th - Research Symposium/Field Trips.
November  22 -Canberra Forest Therapy Walk ANBG
December 11 AGM AAEEACT/Awards/NatureArt Lab Workshop Moths and Butterflies/Dinner
December ? New and old Executive, Business Meeting (planning 2024) TBC

AAEE Networking Events 2023
Term 1- March 22 World Water Day Walk Jerrabomberra Wetlands
Term 2 - AAEE learning circle June 6, Einstein First.
Term 3 - Nature in Focus The Old Barn Gallery: 18 Beltana Road, Pialigo,2pm (World Nature
Conservation Day 28 July)
Term 4 -  December 11-NatureArt Lab Workshop Moths and Butterflies/Dinner
Previous AAEE Events

From 2022 events are listed directly in the main part of the blog.

 “What a Waste!”

Come and talk rubbish with other environmental educators!

When - 5 August, 4.30 - 6:00pm

Where - Mugga Lane Resource Management Centre, Symonston.

Book a place at, numbers limited by August 2, 2021

Learn About Nature Journaling

National Learning Circle 8 June, 2021

If you missed local AAEE member and 2019 ACT Environmental educator, Julia Landford

(NatureArt Lab) on – ‘How and Why Nature Journaling’ ... it was wonderful!

It is available via AAEE's YouTube channel - here

Or read about it in, ozeeNews-Jun-2021.pdf

March Green Ed Links

Icon Water & AAEE Cotter Dam Tour


Green Ed Drinks and Links 

August 2020 Green Ed Drinks

  National Portrait Gallery - Online

Online conversation for educators with the National Portrait Gallery to explore the use of Visual Thinking Strategies as applied to portraits of Australians who have made a positive difference for conservation and the environment. Online 4.30 -6.00 pm, including discussion and reflection. 

AAEE ACT May Green Ed Drinks 

JULIA LANDFORD - Canberra NatureArt Lab 

Click here for the "How - and why - to start Nature Journaling" Webinar

Tuesday 5 May 2020 4:30 - 5:30 PM ZOOM

Julia was awarded Environmental Educator of the Year in 2019 for excellence in environmental education and is the Founding Director of Canberra NatureArt Lab. She will share her expertise and inspiration for Nature Journaling with members and friends. As Julia says “There is nothing like a walk in nature for calming the mind and reminding us the world is a wonderful place.”

Meeting ID: 824 1968 2724 | Password: 070690

Or, one tap mobile: Dial by your location +61 3 7018 2005 Australia

AAEE ACT March 2020 Green Ed Drinks

HANNAH EDWARDS - Southern ACT Catchment Group

Click here for the recording (redirects to AAEE ACT facebook page)

Tuesday 3 March 2020 4:30 - 5:30 PM

Our guest speaker for 3 March Green Ed Drinks was Hannah Edwards from the Southern ACT Catchment Group's H2OK stormwater health public education campaign. Hannah is an engineer and passionate environmental educator coming to her new role fresh from working with friends at Cool Australia ... and is new to Canberra - welcome Hannah! 

More about H2OK and ACT Healthy Waterways - H2OK and ACT Healthy Waterways is a joint initiative of the Australian and ACT governments to protect and improve long-term water quality in the ACT and the Murrumbidgee River system. The project will reduce the level of nutrients and pollutants entering our lakes and waterways that, in turn, have a significant impact on Australia's iconic Murray-Darling Basin.

More about the Urban Water Education program: 
More about H2OK and ACT Healthy Waterways -  H2OK and ACT Healthy Waterways is a joint initiative of the Australian and ACT governments to protect and improve long-term water quality in the ACT and the Murrumbidgee River system. The project will reduce the level of nutrients and pollutants entering our lakes and waterways that, in turn, have a significant impact on Australia's iconic Murray-Darling Basin.

More about Hannah - Hannah from Southern ACT Catchment Group (SACTCG), with support from the ACT Government, is here to help us understand more about the urban water system in our streets and schools. Learn about what stormwater is, where it comes from and goes and how we can all take small individual actions which can help improve the quality of water in Canberra’s lakes and rivers. Find out more about the H2Ok program here

Saturday 14 March 2020 - 9 am - 12 pm in 2 parts - Googong and Lower Molonglo
Click to read more and book here.
(Bookings essential, limit of 24 participants for safety reasons)

Green Ed Drinks and Links 

ACT and Region Environmental Education Networking - tours, workshops and special events

16 March - Kate Rhook - 2019 Tour

7 March 2019 - Keith Skamp - Green Ed Drinks Guest Speaker - Watch: Voting for Change (redirects to AAEE Youtube)

27 June 2019 - Ian Chambers - Green Ed Drinks Guest Speaker - Listen: 'Plan for the Planet' (redirects to youtube, talk only, slides not recorded)

 8 August 2019 - Inez Harker-Schuch - Workshop with SEA-ACT - Listen: (redirects to Youtube, talk only, unedited, slides not recorded)

26 September 2019 - Julia and Alan Landford - Workshop

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