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Sunday, 21 November 2021

Update, changed venue for 2022 AAEE ACT chapter AGM , Awards and STEP Talk this Wednesday 24 ! RSVP COB Tuesday 23

Invitation to Australian Association for Environmental Education ACT Chapter 2021 Annual General Meeting

Members and friends all welcome!


To be followed by the 2021 ACT Environmental Educators Excellence Awards and Southern Tablelands Ecosystems Park (STEP) presentation 


DateWednesday 24 November 2021 5.15 for 5.30 PM

Venue change - due to predicted rain: In person at M16 Artspace, NatureArt Lab Studio, Blaxland Street, Griffith 

Time: 5:15pm  for 5:30 pm start, followed by ACT Environmental Educators Excellence Awards 2021 presentation, BYO Spring indoor picnic and short  illustrated talk by David Shorthouse, Vice- President of STEP  

This a COVID safe event, please follow all ACT health guidelines, masks are recommended but not mandatory, tea and coffee provided, bring your keep mug.

Presentation - David Shorthouse is our guest speaker following the AAEEACT AGM. He will speak about the Southern Tablelands Ecosystems Park (STEP) garden hosted at The National Arboretum

Forest 20 at the National Arboretum Canberra is the home of the Southern Tablelands Regional Botanic Garden. 

This little known biodiverse gem is managed by a community group (Southern Tablelands Ecosystems Park - STEP) in partnership with the National Arboretum.  

Forest 20 contains 16 species of Eucalyptus and nearly 200 species of understorey plants. The site provides opportunities to learn about local native plants with an ecological theme. Special features include the Acacia Walk, Gallery of Grasses, The Clearing (education space) and an ephemeral wetland. 

David Shorthouse, Vice-President of STEP will give a short illustrated talk. He invites you to visit Forest 20, either as a guided visit or informally. Forest 20 is intended as a location for a wide variety of educational activities and quiet appreciation of the natural world. 


See attached invitation and agenda papers for more information.


All AAEE ACT Chapter Executive 2022 positions are open, your nominations and involvement very welcome, please email to receive nomination papers


All welcome RSVP Essential to the secretary by Tuesday 23 November, 2021.

Nominations for 2022 AAEE ACT Chapter Executive new committee!

The Australian Association for Environmental Education ACT chapter vision is to connect, engage and empower through education to advance understandings and actions in relation to environmental and sustainability issues across the ACT community.

It is time to find people to fill the 2022 AAEE ACT chapter executive new committee!


All positions are up for nomination. Please review and consider joining the ACT Chapter executive to promote and champion Environmental Education in the ACT


To help us be clear what you are volunteering for, we have put together the following descriptions on Chapter Executive constitutional roles and expectations for your review.

Email completed nomination forms to by Tuesday 23 November, 2021. 



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