Click here for the current AAEE ACT Chapter Update

AAEE Indigenous Knowledge events

Coming up this quarter

Did you know AAEE chapters host state and regional conferences most years? The most recent one was hosted by the NSW chapters in Albury and Wagga Wagga, Wiraduri Country on 9-12 October 2024 'Learning for Change, yalbilinya nganhagu hurray''

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Thursday, 1 December 2022

Congratulations to the ACT's Environmental Educator of the Year for 2022, Vivienne Pearce OAM

 Congratulations to the ACT's Environmental Educator of the Year for 2022, Vivienne Pearce OAM.

Belinda Wilson - ACT Emerging Environmental Educator of the Year Award winner for 2022!

Belinda Wilson has just been announced as our ACT Emerging Environmental Educator of the Year Award winner for 2022!

Passionate about restoring ecosystems, Belinda Wilson has spent the last few years working on a PhD with The Australian National University, investigating the reintroduction of the eastern quoll. Since moving to Canberra, Belinda has volunteered on a number of projects including 'turtle patrol' and community night walks at Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary. Belinda was also employed by the Woodlands and Wetland Trust as the Outreach Officer delivering conservation and cultural knowledge for Mulligans Flat and Jerrabomberra Wetlands; educating people from all walks of life. Her work included education activities such as Hollow Homes, Bird Quest, Kids Night walks, Bug and Waterbug Detectives, and talking to the community at the National Folk Festival, National Science Week, Tidbinbilla Open Day, and World Wetlands Day events.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

2022 Roundup and December Update - AAEE ACT Chapter

  • Thank you to member Andrew O'Meara (Education Co-coordinator Woodlands and Wetlands Trust) for the highlight of a cold winter, our Twilight networking event (Picture below, at the new Wildbark Education Centre - Mulligans Flat, also see separate post by Andrew - search 'wildbark'
  • Thanks also to member Karon Campbell for a very successful Hawker Community Garden / Wicking Bed Twilight networking event in November. Karon’s beautiful catering of scrumptious refreshments was a highlight for both the winter and spring chapter events - thank you so much Karon.

  • Congratulations to our ACT Environmental Educators of the Year for 2022 - To be announced on December 1! 

Monday, 31 October 2022

Chapter AGM December 1 and Annual Report 2021-2022


NOTICE OF 2022 AGM: Thursday December 1st


ACT Chapter

Australian National Botanic Gardens

4:oopm for 4:30 start and 5 pm finish.

To be followed by refreshments, the Annual ACT Environmental Educators Excellence Awards, then a relaxing educational walk -  6.30 pm finish

RSVP for catering, directions and updates please to

Sunday, 16 October 2022

October AAEE Chapter Update

Hi ACT Environmental Education Networkers!

Wicking Bed Giveaway and Demonstration for Educators

Australian Association of Environmental Educators (AEEACT) in collaboration with Hawker Community Garden invites members and friends to a local networking event that’s free with yummy afternoon tea!

  • What: Community Gardens Showcase and wicking beds demonstration + Wicking Bed Kit giveaways!
  • When: Thursday November 3, 2022,4pm for 4.30pm start, 
Network with people who have experience in setting up, maintaining garden and wicking beds. 

Frances Knight, convenor of the gardens, will step you through the process of how the gardens came to be and demonstrate how wicking beds are constructed.

Register numbers limited

AAEE (Australian Association of Environmental Education) ACT Chapter in collaboration with Hawker Community Garden invites you to: 
A Local Networking Event that's FREE !
What:  Community Garden showcase and wicking bed demonstration
Where: Hawker Community Garden - Hawker Shops next to the Container Deposit Scheme depot

When: Thursday November 3, 2022, 4pm for 4:30pm start
Network with people who have experience in setting up, maintaining a community garden and wicking beds. 
Frances Knight, convenor of the garden, will step you through the process of how the garden came to be and demonstrate how wicking beds are constructed.
Come along and enjoy the refreshments: tea, coffee and a tasty snack made with garden produce.
Meet people who can help and support you in your Community Garden journey or just come along to learn about wicking beds. 
Teachers if you need a relaxing way to add another hour or two to your teacher identified TQI this is just what you are looking for.

We also have 9 mini wicking bed kits to give away to attending participants!

Register via email to assist with catering.

Friday, 16 September 2022

Do you know an inspiring ACT Emerging Environmental Educator?

The 2022 ACT Emerging Environmental Education Excellence awards are now open.

The ACT Environmental Education Excellence Awards recognise individuals exhibiting leadership and making notable contributions to promote environmental education, understanding, action, and agency. 

    ACT Emerging Environmental Educator

Submissions Form Closes Friday 9 October, 2022.  

How to apply: 

1. Download the submission form, complete details and submit before the closing date. 

2: Contact for support for your application. 

We look forward to hearing from you. Note Educator must have been working in Environmental Education for approximately 5 years or less

For inspiration, take a look at previous ACT  Overall and Emerging Educators awardee's nominations - 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Saturday, 23 July 2022

World Nature Conservation Day in Nature in Focus


‘Nature in Focus’
Old Barn Gallery,
18 Beltana Road, Pialligo
10.00am to 4.00pm
28 - 31 July
Free Admission

Coinciding with World Nature Conservation Day on 28 July, this exhibition presents some delightful images of flora and fauna captured through the camera lens of our NatureArt Lab community. This is a free event celebrating amazing local nature photographers and a chance to mingle with like-minded nature lovers.

For more information and details here

Science Teachers Association of ACT in-person 'Christmas in July' event at Geoscience Australia

Educators in the Canberra region are invited to register and attend Science Educators’ Association of the Australian Capital Territory SEAACT's in-person 

'Christmas in July' event at: Geoscience Australia, Canberra, on

 Friday July 29, 2022 from 4 to 6 pm.

You will undertake a 3D experience to visualise the Earth's interior in our newly upgraded 3D theatre as well as a presentation from one of our scientists Dr. Sarlae McAlpine.

Dr Sarlae McAlpine – Director of Strategic Basins, will talk about how GA ensures strict environmental guidelines are maintained during resource delineation and development.

As usual, this Professional Learning event offers a great opportunity to network with like minded teachers, with drinks and nibbles a plenty. Come along to Geoscience and bring a friend to two. 

 Tickets can be purchased through here -

See the attached flyer for more information.

For more Geoscience Australia Education programs check out their July  Education Updates. 

Science Educators’ Association of the Australian Capital Territory

Sunday, 10 July 2022

June 2022 AAEEACT Update-Viv Pearce OAM, Convenor 

Yuma ACT Environmental Educators, 
with freezing temperature, views of snow-capped mountains and winter viruses rampant, we are a hardy group of educators. 
Despite chilly temperatures 17 educators attended our Twilight networking event for Term 2, at the new, still to be officially opened Wildbark Education Centre (Mulligans Flat), followed by a Twilight Threatened Species Walk on June16. Thank you to our Executive members Andrew O'Meara (Education Co-coordinator Woodlands and Wetlands Trust) and Karon Campell (great food!) for making this special night happen. 

Brave and Making a Change: May 27-June 3 Reconciliation Week 
At our online June meeting, participants considered ‘What would our chapter and individuals do in the coming year to make a change, as part of our Reconciliation Action Plan. During the discussion we tapped into participants ideas and enthusiasm around reconciliation with our First nations people.
Firstly, we discussed what reconciliation looks like in Australia. We considered changing the wording in our Chapter’s Acknowledgement of Country. Canberra has claims to country which are still to be fully resolved. Should support for the Uluru Statement and Treaty be included? We decided more discussion and research was needed before an informed decision can be made. We talked about what links we already had with First Nation people and how we might increase our exchanges of ideas. 

The possibility of future walks on country and increasing our cultural awareness were also raised. We shared resources around cultural protocols, curriculum links, new website for Indigenous Science Network, Landcare videos with tips on how to create a Bush Food Garden, First Nation exhibitions at National Museum and National Art Gallery. Finally, NAIDOC Week July 3-10, with theme Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! was flagged. Hopefully we will be able to mark this week by sharing ideas and resources around reconciliation with our extended Environmental Education Network in the ACT.

Ranger Viv Pearce facilitating an Indigenous Plant Use Program at ANBG for local Conservation Council Board on their Annual Planning Meeting in Reconciliation Week

In early May Members attended Community Rally- Save Lawson Grasslands, to raise awareness of these special grasslands, and to ask Federal Election candidates how they will step up to protect them. Our local member NatureArt Lab facilitated artist and artwork for signs . 

Monday, 13 June 2022

Congratulations Sue Jones OAM

Congratulations to AAEE member, Sue Jones, on recently announced OAM for Dance and Environmental Education! Sue is a long-term member of ACT Executive and 2020 ACT Environmental Educator. Since the early 1980’s Sue has linked scientific and environmental concepts to dance and drama to tell important stories about the natural world. Sue has a decades-long pioneering legacy in ‘environmental theatre’, an expressive form of environmental education. For details of Sue as a champion and innovator of 'Environmental theatre' in Australia, click here


Thursday, 2 June 2022

ACT Environmental Education Excellence Awards 2022

Do you know an inspiring ACT Environmental Educator?

The 2022 ACT Environmental Education Excellence awards are now open.

The ACT Environmental Education Excellence Awards recognise individuals exhibiting leadership and making notable contributions to promote environmental education, understanding, action, and agency. 

In 2022, there are two Award categories for AAEE ACT Environmental Education Excellence.

1.         Award One - ACT Excellence in Environmental Education (AAEE National open award nomination)          

Submissions Form Closes Friday 15 July, 2022.

2.      Award Two - ACT Emerging Environmental Educator

Submissions Form Closes Friday 9 October, 2022.  

How to apply: 

1. Download the submission form, complete details and submit before the closing date. 

2: Contact for support for your application. 

We look forward to hearing from you. 

For inspiration, take a look at previous ACT awardee's nominations - 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

AAEE ACT members network event - Exclusive Wildbark Twilight tour

 Members and Friends  

Winter Wildbark Twilight Tour

Yuma Australian Environmental Education ACT Chapter Members and Friends!

 AAAEE ACT Chapter invites all members to come and join us for our next networking meeting at Wildbark Centre (Mulligans Flat) for an exclusive twilight winter walk and look at the new Wildbark Visitors centre with our very own Andrew O'Meara (Education and Outreach Co-coordinator Woodlands and Wetlands Trust).

Wildbark Learning Centre is a gateway through time, allowing us to enter from the quiet suburb of Forde and exit into a near pre-European bushland known as Goorooyarroo Nature reserve, a part of the Mulligans Flat Woodland Experiment. Wildbark is the culmination of a joint venture between The Woodlands and Wetlands Trust and the Odonata Foundation, along with partnerships with the ACT Government and Australian National University. 

Join us for this exclusive AAEE ACT twilight Winter Tour and step back in time with the Wildbark team, to explore a pre-european ecosystem. Learn all about the species that have been lost from the area, as well as the animals being brought back to resume their rightful place in our Box Gum Grassy Woodlands ecological community.

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Yuma ! ACT Environmental Educators!

 National Reconciliation Week 2022 (27 MAY TO 3 JUNE)"BE BRAVE. MAKE CHANGE."

This is the first year of AAEE Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). What can we do here in ACT? This Thursday( June 2) during Reconciliation Week we will hold our monthly Executive meeting and brainstorm ideas for our Chapter. I will be brave and give the Acknowledgement of Country in Ngunawal for the first time at an AAEE meeting. Thank you to Tyronne Bell, Ngunawal custodian and ANBG education for making this possible. If you have ideas for our Chapter, email us at, if you would like to attend discussion (online),this Thursday afternoon, let us know and we will send you the link. I hope to share our ideas in the June AAEE national publication OzEE News, sharing with other environmental educators interstate is always a great idea.

The National Reconciliation Week 2022 theme, “Be Brave. Make Change.” is a challenge to all Australians— individuals, families, communities, organisations, and government—to Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can Make Change for the benefit of all Australians. This year we are asking everyone to make change beginning with brave actions in their daily lives – where they live, work, play and socialise.

National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Find out more about National Reconciliation Week

Vivienne Pearce OAM
President AAEEACT and member AAEE National Executive

YOUR PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION - Working Towards Sustainability
Sharing learning | Working for change | Developing professionally

We acknowledge the Ngunnawal people, Traditional Owners and Custodians of this country and waters on which we live and work and pay our respects to elders past, present and future.

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Hi Environmental Educators

 Join us at AAEE table for World Environment Day Dinner (June 4). This is ACT Conservation Council, major fundraiser. Great speaker (see email below), fun night with fellow educators.

Early Bird Tickets close this Sunday! Register

Also see you this Saturday 7th at Save Lawson Grasslands Rally. Support Conservation Council’s community rally to raise awareness of these unique grasslands,home to unique  plants and animals. We need to question our federal Election candidates, how they will step up to protect this special area? Register here

PS Park at Kaleen High.

Hope to see you this weekend! 

Vivienne Pearce OAM

President AAEEACT and member AAEE National Executive

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Wildbark Learning Centre 


“Something wild is coming in April…


Wildbark Learning Centre is a gateway through time, allowing us to enter from the quiet suburb of Forde and exit into a near pre-European bushland known as Goorooyarroo Nature reserve, a part of the Mulligans Flat Woodland Experiment. Enjoy industry leading workshops, award winning nature tours and a food and beverage experience that will blow you away. Listen to dreamtime stories from Ngunnawal knowledge holders around the fire pit just meters away from our captive bred Eastern Bettong enclosure, or have a coffee in the morning while the kids enjoy a narrated Storytime session before heading out to the nature play garden.


Wildbark is the culmination of a joint venture between The Woodlands and Wetlands Trust and the Odonata Foundation, along with partnerships with the ACT Government and Australian National University. These partnerships allow for effective land management, world class academics and science communication to be brough together in one place, with the ultimate outcome to dispel the overwhelming fear of climate anxiety and replace it with a science backed hope for a better future.


To find out more, check out


Friday 4th March 2022
View this email in your browser
Few mushrooms on display from ast week's Growing Fungi s a Building Product workshop taught by Peter Wenzel.
Dear Canberra,

We hope this rainy week is treating you well.

We hosted a mix of online and in-person workshops in the past two weeks. With the easing of restrictions in the ACT, we are looking forward to see a lot more of you here!

We will still continue to host most our workshops under our beautiful new marquee. The Gardening Working Bees have been using the space to work, relax, cook and eat. The ripe harvest of zucchinis from our garden this week turned out to be a great ingredient for muffins. We look forward to having more Working Bees in our garden this month.

We hosted a Seed Saving Workshop last Tuesday evening, focusing on collecting seeds from summer vegetables. The Fungi Workshop on Saturday morning was a truly insightful experience. Peter from Fungico taught us how to grow building bricks with mushrooms. We got our hands dirty with mycelium and played around with nutrients. We are now waiting for the mushroom material to grow and we look forward to seeing the final product.

This Saturday morning  we've got another working bee in the garden that will go ahead rain or shine! (we promise that you will stay dry). Stay tuned for our Repair Cafe this month on the 12th of March. A little birdie told us that last time was a great hit! We hope to see you there.

We are on Instagram! Follow us for snaps around the Centre. @canberraenvirocentre
Brewing Kombucha
Tuesday 15th March, 6pm-8pm
Canberra Environment Centre
$35+ booking fee

Have you got a taste for the tangy drink kombucha and want to learn more? Healthy, fun, simple and inexpensive to make, a batch of home-brewed kombucha is a fantastic way to introduce beneficial gut bacteria to your body.

Join us for an evening of discussing all things kombucha. Learn about gut health, and the interactions between probiotics, lacto fermentation and a healthy gut. Participants will leave with the recipes and knowledge they need to start brewing their own kombucha at home.


Garden Tour: Ainslie Urban Farm
Saturday 19th March 11:30am-1pm 
Location provided to ticket holders
$35+ booking fee

Take a tour of this productive and sustainable garden to learn more about growing urban food.


Sustainable Fashion: Intro to Embroidery
Saturday 26th March 10am-12:30pm
Canberra Environment Centre
$90+ booking fee

Join us to learn the basics of embroidery and design a map of your daily walk or your favourite spot in nature.


Intro to Solar Panels and Batteries
Tuesday 29th March 6-8pm
Canberra Environment Centre
$90+ booking fee

Learn all about how solar and battery home power systems work, how they can create savings, and the ways they can help to reduce emissions.


Take me to more workshops
Environmental Heroes Podcast

Check out our podcast here

Regular events at CEC
Garden Volunteering: Community Working Bee
Saturday 5th March, 10am-12pm

Canberra Environment Centre

Everyone is welcome to volunteer at the Acton Community Garden. Both experienced and new gardeners are encouraged to attend! We'll be pulling out weeds, sowing seeds, and doing garden maintenance.

Repair Cafe
Saturday 12th March, 10am-1pm
 Canberra Environment Centre

Bring along your broken household items and volunteer repairers will help to fix them. To help us manage numbers please register for your preferred timeslot. 


ANU Kitchen Garden: Wednesday Gardening Bees
Wednesdays 10am-12pm
In person, Canberra Environment Centre

Together we will grow, harvest, cook, and share fresh, delicious food. You don't need to be a green thumb, just come along and join in and learn as you grow!

Cycle Jam
Saturdays 11am-1pm, Wednesdays 4-6pm.
In person, The Recyclery

Cycle Jam is a weekly meetup for anyone who wants to fix or maintain a bicycle. Bring along a bike to fix, or just come along to watch and learn. Cycle Jam is run by volunteers who will work with you to give you the skills to fix your bike.

Other Events
Panel for International Women's Day
Tuesday 8th March, 12pm-2pm

Canberra Innovation Centre

A panel discussion for on the UN theme of Gender Equality today for a Sustainable Tomorrow, then followed by a Lean Innovation Workshop for participants.
Community Toolbox Canberra

March 5th Saturday, 3pm

76 Federal Highway Watson

The Toolbox quietly opened its doors in November 2021, but our launch event was foiled by COVID. Now it is time to officially celebrate this fabulous community resource - the first tool and equipment library in Canberra!

Electronic Vehicle Event

12th Saturday March, 10am-3pm

Lake Jindabyne

Come for this electronic vehicle event that focuses on renewable energy, the exhibit is located at the beautiful Snowy Mountains!

Zero Waste March Challenge


What does Zero Waste mean?


Zero Waste living refers to a lifestyle where one consciously reduces their consumption of single use goods in order to reduce their waste on a daily basis. This lifestyle aims to decrease the load on landfills and subsequently recycle and compost at the household level.


Try this zero waste challenge 

  • Say no to single use items! -Try to carry a water bottle and a set of cutlery next time you go out and carry your own bags for shopping. Every tote bag counts.
  • Get creative with storage - recycle your old jars and old wine bottles to store food and water.
  • Go second hand. - Spend weekends at your favourite second hand shop with your mates, there is often a wide range of goodies and at low prices.
  • Check out the nearest farmer’s market, you will find a range of fresh produce for your kitchen.
  • Make homemade gifts for family and friends and wrap them in newspaper.


The Canberra Environment Centre is supported by some fantastic community and environment groups across Canberra. Find out what they do by clicking on the links. Canberra City Farm - The Australia Institute - Canberra Organic Grower's Society - SEE-Change - The Conservation Council - Lyneham Commons - Permablitz ACT - Slow Food Canberra - Southern ACT Catchment Group - Molonglo Catchment Group - Frogwatch (Gininnderra Catchment Group) - Food Coop Shop & Cafe - National Parks Association of the ACT - The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (Canberra) - Pedal Power - Friends of Grasslands.

The Editorial Team 
Canberra Environment Centre
Ph. 02 6248 0885
Monday to Thursday - 10.00am to 5.00pm
Saturday 9.00am to 12.00pm
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