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AAEE Indigenous Knowledge events

Coming up this quarter

Did you know AAEE chapters host state and regional conferences most years? The most recent one was hosted by the NSW chapters in Albury and Wagga Wagga, Wiraduri Country on 9-12 October 2024 'Learning for Change, yalbilinya nganhagu hurray''

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Thursday, 15 June 2023

 MEDIA RELEASE 15 June 2023

Make a difference through environmental education! 

Yuma! Are you enthusiastic about the environment? Would you like to join a group of like-minded educators who are working in the environmental education sector? Now is your opportunity to get involved and support a wide range of initiatives that will make a difference to educational policies and practices for sustainability and the environment. AAEE currently have three opportunities to make a difference in the ACT! 

  1. 2 volunteering vacancies on our ACT Chapter executive committee, these are our Board’s Secretary and Communications Officer positions (contact us at

  2. Nominate for the 3 ACT and National Environmental Educator of the Year awards (more below)

  3. Apply for an AAEE Environmental Education student Scholarship

The  Environmental Educator of the Year Awards are in three award categories: 

  1. ACT Environmental Educator of the Year (also eligible for the national award) - due 19 July

  2. Emerging Educator of the Year (ACT Community) - nominations open until  October

  3. Emerging Educator of the Year (ACT Schools) - nominations open until October

If you know someone who deserves recognition or if you would like to nominate yourself for these awards for excellence, please see our blog for further details, or complete our awards nomination form.

Monday, 5 June 2023

Are you student environmental educator? Apply for a scholarship through AAEE and receive complementary 3 year AAEE membership and AAEE national and chapter conference registrations!

Contact us at to apply.

 AAEE Learning Circle World Environment Day 2023

Climate Science and Sustainable Energy Education Webinar, presented by David Wood


Tuesday 6th June 4.30-5.30 pm  AEST by ZOOM  Click to Register (free) 

To share the work of the UWA-based Einstein First project in relation to the education of students about climate science and sustainable energy futures.

Global warming and its impact on our climate has accelerated the need to transition to a carbon-free fuel economy. Our belief is that children and young adults learning about climate science and sustainable energy production will inspire and empower them to understand their scientific and technological world and invest themselves in a sustainable energy future.

Sunday, 4 June 2023

ACT Chapter Update - March OzEE News 23

 celebrating World Water Day 23, Jerrabomberra Wetlands ACT

Who is who on AAEEACT Executive and Co-Opts for 2023