A New Year and a New Committee!
AAEEACT elected a new Executive at December AGM,at NatureArt Lab.
Julie Armstrong, (founder of ACT for Bees and national AAEE Environmental Educator) was also officially awarded the ACT Environmental Educator for 2023. How lucky are we as a Chapter of AAEE to have such a talented community educator within our ranks!
Julie has been a driving force both in ACT and nationally promoting and advocating the importance and need to support bees and other pollinators. Read here about Julie’s many achievements. The Covid surge prevented Julie and others from attending AGM, as a result positions were finalised at the January Executive meeting. Drum roll the 2024 AAEEACT Executive!
President- Julie Armstrong, artist, ACT for Bees founder, national AAEE Environmental Educator, to list but a few of Julie’s skills and interests
Vice-President -Glenys Patulny OAM, long term community, education and environmental activist, President Tuggeranong Community Council.
Secretary – Monty Nixon, PhD education student University of Canberra (U.C) and winner of the AAEE 2023 Brian Foreman Scholarship, which enable him to attend and run a workshop with fellow U.C student Jordan Harrison at AAEE 2023 conference on ‘Country as a Teacher’.
Treasurer and Public officer -Jodie Green, National AAEE Treasurer and Public Officer, CIT teacher.
Other Executive members
Vivienne Pearce OAM (V.P. national AAEE, Educator Australian National Botanic Gardens-ANBG)
Donella Johnston (secondary teacher and educator at ANBG)
Vacancy- if you are interested in joining Executive, contact us at aaeeact@gmail.com , we are interested particularly in help to assist our secretary in the area of member communications, help and mentorship to learn new skills available.
Julie finally receiving EE Award, January ANBG. |
New Executive Team Glenys, Julie, Monty January, ANBG (Jodie and Donella apologies) |