Click here for the current AAEE ACT Chapter Update

AAEE Indigenous Knowledge events

Coming up this quarter

Did you know AAEE chapters host state and regional conferences most years? The most recent one was hosted by the NSW chapters in Albury and Wagga Wagga, Wiraduri Country on 9-12 October 2024 'Learning for Change, yalbilinya nganhagu hurray''

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Tuesday, 16 April 2024

AAEE Newsletter Chapter Update April 2024

Dear Australian Environmental Educator ACT community

It’s been an exciting start to the year with 3 successful events in the ACT thanks to Bonnie Johnson upskilling us with the Communication and Strategic Planning event, Monty Nixon’s inspiring ‘Country as Teacher’ and Kate Rhook’s very engaging tour of the Icon Water facilities. Thanks so much for joining us. There is more news from Australia wide in the latest OzEEnews. 

We're looking forward to meeting new and familiar faces at these events and others throughout the year. Let's work together to strengthen our connection for education for sustainability and environmental education in our schools, universities, our workplaces and the wider community. It is such an important foundation for all of our lives. Please invite your colleagues to join the Australian Association for Environmental Education through this link.

Click read more for all the updates including our picks of events, local, national, regional and global EE calendar updates, with links.
To receive these updates in your inbox, contact and say hi!

AAEE ACT have a number of events planned for next term including an ACT Environmental Educators Autumn Mingle networking event at University of Canberra Tuesday 14th May 6:00-7:30. Meet other Environmental Educators and people passionate about nature in all aspects of education. Join Julie Armstrong, the President of ACT Australian Association for Environmental Education and Forest Therapy guide to learn simple ways to RELAX, RESET and RESTORE your whole being through the healing of nature. Join us at the UC Bar for food and drink after the forest therapy experience to connect with others. Please print the attached poster and display it in your school. Places are limited. Please book using the QR code below.

Please check your membership status of your organisation as you may not have access to the valuable resources to connect and engage with other environmental educators and associations across Australia. This is the time to support this key Association, which is based upon the strength of its membership. Please get involved in events, workshops and activities. Membership provides access to:
  • the Australian Journal of Environmental Education by Cambridge University Press archive
  • recordings of past Learning Circle online video forums to continue the conversation
  • quarterly member newsletter, ozEEnews, and monthly e-bulletins
  • resources from our international partners, and Australian sites we recommend
  • information from past conferences, discounted registrations for all AAEE conferences
  • local and national professional networking and mentoring

Please ALSO check the ACT Directory of Environmental, Earth and Sustainability Education  providers  to ensure details of your organisation are up to date. This is a great resource for teachers and educators for our local region.

A vacancy exists on AAEEACT Executive, if you are interested in joining our team, contact us at We are interested particularly in help to assist our secretary in member communications. Support and mentorship to assist new Executive members to learn new skills is available.

Upcoming Events

Australian Association Environmental Education (National)

Online Learning Circles- for Members

      Thursday, 9 May – 4:30-5:30 pm AEST – Topic: Getting prepared for World Bee Day!

 Australian Association For Environmental Education (ACT Events)

      Tuesday 14th May 6:00-7:30 – Autumn Mingle Environmental Educators ACT networking event @ University of Canberra. Starting with an experiential   presentation with Julie Armstrong, Environmental Educator 2023 Book here

Member groups and other environmental education events, coming up

  • Friday 12th April 2024 ACT Schools Climate Action Conference The Schools Climate Action Conference will be held in ACT Youth Week in 2024. This is a chance for Year 9-12 students from all ACT schools to come together and design climate solutions for their community. Organised by Sustainable Schools ACT program.

  •  20-21st April FREE online event called the Gaiarcadia Online Summit- free registration here   45 world leading speakers. On Saturday 20.04.24 there sessions that will be of particular interest to AAEE members, on Sustainable Cities Agriculture, Renewable Energy and Permaculture for Cities and Towns (both with permaculture co-originator David Holmgren and several others) and Education and Learning for Thrivability in the Gaianthropocene the Principal of the Gaia School in Estonia and environmental complexity educational consultant Dr Shae Brown in Queensland .
  • May 23-26. Nature Journalling Conference with Educators' Workshop. This Brisbane event promises to foster a deep love and understanding of nature, encourage community building, and explore the impact of nature journalling. The conference is currently being sponsored by the Queensland Museum, NatureArt Lab and the Brisbane City Council”. Learn more

Further Links

ACT State of the Environment Report 2023-for Kids -A great resource to discover more about climate Change, Trees in the ACT, Our Rivers, Lakes and Wetlands and Caring for our Plants and Animals. A great link to education resources

Term 2 Environment Dates

April 22nd Earth Day Planet vs Plastics 

4-12th May -Canberra Tree Week

5-11 May Compost Week Better Soil, Better Life, Better Future

May 11th World Migratory Bird Day focus on insects as essential for timing, duration and success of bird migrations

20th May World Bee Day We need bees for food security, biodiversity and healthy ecosystems

     ACT for Bees website has ‘Love Food? Love Bees!’ Curriculum for Early Learning, yrs 5/6 and yr 9/10

22nd May International Day for Biological Diversity

23rd May World Turtle Day

26th May National Sorry Day

27th May-3rd June National Reconciliation Week  National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

5th June World Environment Day land restoration, desertification and drought resilience.

 8th June World Oceans DayCatalysing Action for Our Ocean & Climate.

15th JuneGlobal Wind Day discovering wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to reshape our energy systems, decarbonise our economies and boost jobs and growth.

17th June World Day to combat Desertification and Drought

22nd JuneWorld Rainforest Day

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