Click here for the current AAEE ACT Chapter Update

AAEE Indigenous Knowledge events

Coming up this quarter

Did you know AAEE chapters host state and regional conferences most years? The most recent one was hosted by the NSW chapters in Albury and Wagga Wagga, Wiraduri Country on 9-12 October 2024 'Learning for Change, yalbilinya nganhagu hurray''

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Thursday, 2 December 2021


​​AAE​E ACT invites all  ​members and friends​to ​field visit to the  

Sustainable Woodland and Meadow Urban Woodland Site  

with  ​​​guest presenter Alice Hathorn, Founder of ACT Urban Woodland Rescue​

Fowles St Urban Bush Restoration Site Tour ​

Date: ​Friday 3r​d December​​ 2021 at 5:30 pm

Location: Fowles St, Weston ​ACT meeting point at the playground.

​​Alice Hathorn has kindly agreed to give a site inspection of Fowles Street  Sustainable Woodland and Meadow Urban Woodland Site. Demonstrating changes a small community can make to increase urban biodiversity and restore ecosystem function to a woodland pocket park.

Learn about the journey of a small urban park's return to ecological health applying the simple evidence-based woodland and meadow method.  View the stunning parkland, designed to restore biodiversity and ecological function, learn how this method could be applied in Canberra's schools, gardens and parks to create a sustainable network of ecological services across the city.

Please RSVP to Julia Landford, Vice-President, AAEE ACT  to

 by COB​​ Wednesday 2nd December, 2021


Wednesday, 1 December 2021

AAEE ACT Excellence in Environmental Education 2021 Awards & AGM


AAEE ACT Chapter Annual General meeting

The Annual General meeting was held on 24 November -Minutes here 

Congratulation's AAEEACT Executive for 2022!

  • President -Vivienne Pearce (ANBG)

  • Vice President – Julia Landford (NatureArt Lab)

  • Treasurer –Jodie Green (CIT)

  • Secretary – Kate Rhook & Public Officer (Icon Water)

  • Karon Campbell (ACT Primary School), Taz Whan (ACT Secondary School) and Andrew O’Meara (Woodlands and Wetlands Trust)

  • To be Co-opted at first meeting– Angela Crompton (Actsmart Schools), Sue Jones (DanceKids)

What a diverse group of educators to lead AAEEACT in 2022!

This was followed by the ACT 2021 Environmental Education Excellence Awards and a guest presentation by David Shorthouse from STEP Garden at National Arboretum. This informative presentation showcased the development of an important ecosystem and wonderful resource available to the community to learn more about the southern tableland ecosystems of the Canberra Region.


2021 ACT Excellence in 

Environmental Education Awards 

 Congratulations to AAEE ACT Environmental Educators of the Year awardees

The ACT Environmental Educator for 2021 - Kate Rhook  Icon Water; for Outstanding contribution to Environmental Education.

 Early Career Environmental Educator 2021 Award - Andrew O’Meara – Jerrabomberra Wetlands; 

(LR) Highly Commended Early Career Environmental Educator 2021  Awardee’s Kate Southwell and Daniel Harris–Pascal ACT for Actsmart programs.

Sunday, 21 November 2021

Update, changed venue for 2022 AAEE ACT chapter AGM , Awards and STEP Talk this Wednesday 24 ! RSVP COB Tuesday 23

Invitation to Australian Association for Environmental Education ACT Chapter 2021 Annual General Meeting

Members and friends all welcome!


To be followed by the 2021 ACT Environmental Educators Excellence Awards and Southern Tablelands Ecosystems Park (STEP) presentation 


DateWednesday 24 November 2021 5.15 for 5.30 PM

Venue change - due to predicted rain: In person at M16 Artspace, NatureArt Lab Studio, Blaxland Street, Griffith 

Time: 5:15pm  for 5:30 pm start, followed by ACT Environmental Educators Excellence Awards 2021 presentation, BYO Spring indoor picnic and short  illustrated talk by David Shorthouse, Vice- President of STEP  

This a COVID safe event, please follow all ACT health guidelines, masks are recommended but not mandatory, tea and coffee provided, bring your keep mug.

Sunday, 14 November 2021

November December Events and Updates

 Hi Fellow Environmental Educators 

Hope you have been busy bees these spring months and, leaping as we are towards the end of this term, did you know it's both Pollinator AND Frog ID weeks this week? See exciting resources below.

Looking forward to seeing you at the AAEE ACT Chapter AGM 24 November. It will be followed by a tour of the wonderful Southern Tablelands Ecosystems Park (STEP) garden at the National Arboretum and all friends and educators are welcome. Details here.  RSVP please to

See below for great webinars and other events by your fellow ACT environmental educators.

Curious about what AAEE members and member groups are up to around Australia? Read the latest OzEE News here

Coming Up ...

Monday, 1 November 2021

 From Barren to Beautiful – how does the health of the Biodiversity in our local ecosystems hold the key to mitigating the risks of a warming climate? 

With Guest Speakers - Rainer Rehwinkel, Ecologist, and  Alice Hathorn, Founder of ACT Urban Woodland Rescue

Watch here: 

Thursday, 21 October 2021


Adjunct Professor Keith Skamp - ACT's first AAEE Fellow

By Vivienne Pearce OAM

The AAEE Fellowship is to recognise a member who has made an outstanding contribution to environmental education at a national and international level over their career. Local member, Keith Skamp has certainly done that over the years as detailed below. At the 2021 AAEE Conference in WA, Keith was awarded the AAEE Fellowship. Here in the ACT we count ourselves lucky to have such a talented and distinguished person as an active member in our Chapter.  Since joining the ACT he has been actively mentoring and supporting our local ACT educators. Whether it be as a panel member for our awards, helping with submissions and advocacy to local government, sparking ideas around curriculum or other issues in ACT members, Keith is our local treasure. It is wonderful to have his lifetime of work in environmental education acknowledged by AAEE.

Keith is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Education at Southern Cross University in northern NSW. He has held visiting scholar and professorial positions at several universities in England and North America. His research and teaching areas are science education, environmental education, and research methodology. He has been an AAEE member for several decades. He moved to Canberra and has been involved with the ACT chapter for about 5 years, assisting with various submissions, meetings, and publications (including a soon to be published paper with Jodie Green on Earth System Science Education). His personal involvement with environmental issues dates to the late 60s when he heard Paul Ehrlich speak in Sydney about his book The Population Bomb. It influenced many of his later decisions. 

Keith introduced Environmental Education (later to embrace ‘Education/Learning for Sustainability’) as a subject in preservice Teacher Education degrees (and later other degrees) in the mid-80s. This was the only EE subject offered at Southern Cross University until 2011 (Keith continued teaching after his retirement in 2009). Keith’s contributions to teaching and learning were recognised when he received the Southern Cross University Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence and Achievement (Teaching and Learning) as well as the Australian Science Teachers’ Association’s Distinguished Service Award. Both awards were based, in part, on contributions to teaching and learning in EE.

Keith’s major EE research grants and outcomes have related to the impact of Learnscapes on school teaching and learning and school students’ willingness to take actions to reduce global warming based on their beliefs about such actions. The latter area is an ongoing international investigation with several very recent publications. These and other EE areas have been the focus of publications for over 35 years up to and including the present time; they include 20 refereed journal articles, two book chapters (one overviewing EE in Australia in 2009) and EE/Sustainability Education contributions to the most highly recommended (primary) science education text in Australian universities. Keith is the main editor and writer (Teaching primary science constructively [7th edition, 2021]). He has shared his EE research and scholarly contributions through papers at 19 international conferences as well as invited international lectures and seminars at various universities in Canada and the USA, the UK and Tanzania. Similar presentations have occurred at state and regional levels.

Some major funded EE consultancies that Keith has completed (several within the last decade) include the external evaluation of a University’s Sustainability Education contribution to its various degrees, a comprehensive world-wide research and best practice review on EfS for the then NSW Department of Education and Training and an international review of Air Quality Education for the Australian Government Department of Environment and Heritage.

Keith’s other contributions to EE over the years have included an ongoing role as an external examiner of doctoral theses, continuing in the role – for more than a decade - as a member of the International Board of Advisory Editors of the Australian Journal of Environmental Education as well as an occasional reviewer for other international EE journals and attracting EE scholars to Southern Cross University.

Congratulations Keith!



Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Celebrate the achievements of your school - sustainability awards nominations are closing soon!


Nominations for the 2021 Actsmart Schools Sustainability Awards !

 Nominations close Wednesday 27 October.

Actsmart Schools is a free program that specialises in supporting all ACT schools and their community to take climate action, reduce their emissions and improve their sustainability.

Submit your application in one of the 9 categories to celebrate the sustainability achievements of your school.

Submit your application in one of the 9 categories to celebrate the sustainability achievements of your school:

·         Sustainable Leadership Award – Primary Student

·         Sustainable Leadership Award – Secondary Student

·         Sustainable Leadership Award – Primary Staff member

·         Sustainable Leadership Award – Secondary Staff member

·         Sustainable Leadership Team Award – Primary

·         Sustainable Leadership Team Award – Secondary

·         Sustainable Project Award – Primary

·         Sustainable Project Award – Secondary

·         School of the Year Award

Click here for information about each category and the conditions of entry or start your nomination here

The Actsmart Schools team are here to help you, your students and your school make a positive impact on our environment. Contact us by emailing or call  6207 8886.

Saturday, 18 September 2021

September and October Events and Updates

Hi Fellow Environmental Educators 

Hope you are enjoying the lovely spring weather; the birds and bees are certainly busy in my garden! Make time each day to commune with nature during Biodiversity month, and I look forward to seeing you at one or more of these upcoming events:

Hope to see you at the next Green Ed Drinks - this term we will have a low-key post-conference conversation by ZOOM on 1 October - all welcome.

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Spring 2021 Chapter Update

Spring 2021 Chapter Update 

AAEEACT President Viv Pearce OAM

It has been a long cold and wet winter in Canberra, planning has been difficult with NSW and local lockdowns. The bright spots have been our long-term planning day at beginning of the July school holidays, with detailed and ongoing discussions this term around Curriculum Review and native plantings around our schools. Discussions by members has also continued around the ecological viability of popular micro forest plantings and the relevance to school plantings. 


AAEEACT is also proud to announce our 2021 ACT Environmental Educator,  inspirational water educator, Kate Rhook, and Adjunct Professor Keith Skamp as ACT nominee for the AAEE Fellowship. Read details of nominations in posts below Spring Update, click on home, then scroll down. How lucky the ACT is to have such talented educators within our group.


2021 ACT Environmental Educator of the Year

Kate Rhook

Please join us in congratulations and wishing good luck to Kate Rhook, ACT's nominee as Australia's National Environmental Educator of the Year for 2021

Keith Skamp ACT's first AAEE Fellow

The AAEE Fellowship is to recognise a member who has made an outstanding contribution to environmental education at a national and international level over their career. Local member, Keith Skamp has certainly done that over the years as detailed below. At 2021 AAEE Conference in WA, Keith was awarded the AAEE Fellowship. Here in the ACT we count ourselves lucky to have such a talented and distinguished person as an active member in our Chapter.  Since joining the ACT he has been actively mentoring and supporting our local ACT educators. Whether it be as a panel member for our awards, helping with submissions and advocacy to local government, sparking ideas around curriculum or other issues in ACT members, Keith is our local treasure. It is wonderful to have his lifetime of work in environmental education acknowledge by AAEE.


Keith is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Education at Southern Cross University in northern NSW. He has held visiting scholar and professorial positions at several universities in England and North America. His research and teaching areas are science education, environmental education, and research methodology. He has been an AAEE member for several decades. He moved to Canberra and has been involved with the ACT chapter for about 5 years, assisting with various submissions, meetings, and publications (including a soon to be published paper with Jodie Green on Earth System Science Education). His personal involvement with environmental issues dates to the late 60s when he heard Paul Ehrlich speak in Sydney about his book The Population Bomb. It influenced many of his later decisions. 


Keith introduced Environmental Education (later to embrace ‘Education/Learning for Sustainability’) as a subject in preservice Teacher Education degrees (and later other degrees) in the mid-80s. This was the only EE subject offered at Southern Cross University until 2011 (Keith continued teaching after his retirement in 2009). Keith’s contributions to teaching and learning were recognised when he received the Southern Cross University Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence and Achievement (Teaching and Learning) as well as the Australian Science Teachers’ Association’s Distinguished Service Award. Both awards were based, in part, on contributions to teaching and learning in EE.


Keith’s major EE research grants and outcomes have related to the impact of Learnscapes on school teaching and learning and school students’ willingness to take actions to reduce global warming based on their beliefs about such actions. The latter area is an ongoing international investigation with several very recent publications. These and other EE areas have been the focus of publications for over 35 years up to and including the present time; they include 20 refereed journal articles, two book chapters (one overviewing EE in Australia in 2009) and EE/Sustainability Education contributions to the most highly recommended (primary) science education text in Australian universities. Keith is the main editor and writer (Teaching primary science constructively [7th edition, 2021]). He has shared his EE research and scholarly contributions through papers at 19 international conferences as well as invited international lectures and seminars at various universities in Canada and the USA, the UK and Tanzania. Similar presentations have occurred at state and regional levels.


Some major funded EE consultancies that Keith has completed (several within the last decade) include the external evaluation of a University’s Sustainability Education contribution to its various degrees, a comprehensive world-wide research and best practice review on EfS for the then NSW Department of Education and Training and an international review of Air Quality Education for the Australian Government Department of Environment and Heritage.


Keith’s other contributions to EE over the years have included an ongoing role as an external examiner of doctoral theses, continuing in the role – for more than a decade - as a member of the International Board of Advisory Editors of the Australian Journal of Environmental Education as well as an occasional reviewer for other international EE journals and attracting EE scholars to Southern Cross University.


 Congratulations Keith!

Saturday, 7 August 2021

ACT Emerging Environmental Educator Excellence Award Nominations Extended

ACT Emerging Environmental Educator Excellence Award Nominations 2021

Do you know a wonderful relatively new teacher or environmental educator in your schools and wider community who can be nominated for recognition of their environmental education excellence? The 2021 ACT Emerging Environmental Education Awards are closing soon, end term 3 (September 20).

Online nomination form here

Sunday, 18 July 2021

OzEE News 

If you did not receive a copy of the AAEE quarterly national newsletter OzEE News into your mailbox last week, please check that the National AAEE has your correct email and that your AAEE membership is not overdue, at 

The current issue is linked here: ozeeNews-Jun-2021.pdf - and check the members area for the past issues archive.

OzEENews is the single best way to find out about interesting environmental education projects and opportunities across Australia and in all the other AAEE Chapters.

Join and subscribe here.

Other reminders ...   

Monday, 12 July 2021

Winter 2021 Chapter Update

ACT for Bees, buzzing at Youth Parliament              MLAs listening to student proposals

Winter 2021 Chapter Update

Hi Environmental Educators and supporters

Just a quick update and some reminders ... 

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

ACT Environmental Education Excellence Awards 2021


ACT Environmental Education Excellence Awards 2021



 CLOSE 16 AUGUST 2021, 6 PM

ACT AAEE President Viv Pearce OAM  awarding Sue Jones, (Dance Kids) 2020 ACT Environmental Educator of Year
The ACT Environmental Education Excellence Awards recognise individuals exhibiting leadership and making notable contributions to further environmental education, understanding, action, and agency.
In 2021, there are three AAEE ACT Environmental Education Excellence Awards
  • The 2021 Individual Open - ACT and National award (for AAEE members only).  Open category - apply here, or contact us at
  • The 2021 Emerging Educator for the ACT Community - community educators with 5 years or less experience.  Emerging categories - apply here, or contact us at
  • The 2021 Emerging Educator for the ACT Schools - early childhood and schools educators or students with 5 years or less experience.  Emerging categories - apply here, or contact us at

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Updating Member Directory 2021

Dear Members

Its that time of year to make sure your page in the ACT Environmental Network Directory  is up to date

Please review your page here and send through the updates as a word document. Please attach any photos, image and logos and send to ACT chapter secretary Kate at  

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Biodiversity Professional Development - Wicking Beds


Term 2 is the time to get all your biodiversity plans in place ready for spring! 

Together with Actsmart Schools, Caroline Chisholm School are hosting a teacher and community networking session on June 16 2021. 

Come meet the Caroline Chisholm School team, check out all the amazing work we are doing and meet some of the people who are helping us along the way. 

During the session you will hear from the Actsmart Households and Schools teams and learn how to build a wicking bed! 

Places are limited – register here

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Water in the ACT Professional Learning

End of Term One, AAEE ACT Chapter hosted water educators from across the ACT with Icon Water for a special tour of the Cotter Dam ending in a professional networking session. During this event we shared our collective expertise, knowledge, and current programs on all things water.

It was fabulous to be joined by members and associates of the ACT chapter for the Australian Association for Environmental Education. Along with educators in water and biodiversity represented by ACT Government Actsmart schools programs, H2OK Healthy waterways program, No waste ACT, ACT Waterwatch Coordinators and Catchment groups, Landcare ACT, the Australian Botanic Gardens, Jerrabomberra Wetlands, passionate STEM teachers, Nature ART Lab and Dance Kids.