Click here for the current AAEE ACT Chapter Update

AAEE Indigenous Knowledge events

Coming up this quarter

Did you know AAEE chapters host state and regional conferences most years? The most recent one was hosted by the NSW chapters in Albury and Wagga Wagga, Wiraduri Country on 9-12 October 2024 'Learning for Change, yalbilinya nganhagu hurray''

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Monday, 11 November 2024

AAEE ACT Awards, AGM and End of Year Dinner 14 November 2024


Celebrate Environmental Educators! 

Please note the change of times for this Thursday 14th November.

Everyone in the ACT and Region Environmental Educators network are welcome, though noting, only AAEE ACT financial members can vote or nominate for the executive at the AGM. 

Where : Franklin School 135 Oodgeroo Ave, Franklin ACT 2913

When: 5 pm Thursday 14 November 2024, Annual ACT Environmental Educator(s) of the Year Award ceremony, 5.15 pm: AAEE ACT AGM - followed by a short walk around Franklin Farm project with Karon Campbell.

Dinner : Approx 6 pm at the Thai Herb Restaurant 94/11 Wimmera St, Harrison ACT 2914. Please RSVP to if you would like to attend the dinner as we have currently booked for just 12. 

About the AAEE ACT Chapter AGM: This part of the event will be as brief as possible
  • To check your membership status or renew without your login email us at and 
  • To renew your membership using your login go here:
  • Please fill in this form to make a nomination to become a member of the AAEE ACT Executive 

Note: We have rescheduled the event 'Tips and Tricks to Unlock Funding Sustainability (and Nature Education) Initiatives in your School ' to early next year, date TBA.

Friday, 8 November 2024

Pollinator Week Biodiversity mapping - with NatureMapr and Dr Michael Mulvaney

Celebrate Australian Pollinator Week by mapping biodiversity in your school.

STILL SPOTS AVAIL - Saturday 9 November 1-4 pm, 2 Dairy Road Canberra City Farm Wetlands Room

In celebration of Australian Pollinator Week (9-17 November 2024), Canberra Nature Mapr administrator Dr Michael Mulvaney will guide us on how to use Canberra Nature Mapr for Citizen Science activities at your school. 

Canberra Nature Mapr has been collaborating with schools in the ACT, where students record and upload the plants and animals near their school to build up a unique field guide and biodiversity rank. Records are identified by experts and contribute data to help on the ground outcomes across Australia.

ACT for Bees and Other Pollinators will give an overview of Australian Pollinator Week and what we can all do to support pollinator health and well-being - see more here at the 'Love Food, Love Bees'curriculum resources.

Students are welcome to join us. Register HERE

Monday, 7 October 2024

Environmental Educators ACT August news


Welcome to the August issue of The Australian Association for Environmental Education ACT Branch news! 
We celebrated NAIDOC week by reviewing our Acknowledgement to Country with very interesting discussions about what this really means for us as people who live and work in this beautiful country.
A group of us also were deeply inspired by Horizon, the Bangarra Dance Theatre’s magnificent production that explored the journeys made using the vast celestial navigation systems to ocean currents that carried generations of people across the Oceania region. The fascinating dances reflected many journeys and coming together of cultures across time.

New Acknowledgement of Country

This has been an important journey, researching other organisations' Acknowledgement of Country including The Dept of Education, ORB, CCACT, ACTCOSS, UC, ANU, Federal Parliament, ACT Legislative Assembly and ACT Dept Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development. 

We would like to acknowledge this ancient Country, with powerful mountains and waterways integral to the life and spirit of Canberra. We acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of this landscape and recognise any other peoples and families with connection to these lands and region. We acknowledge the Indigenous knowledge holders both past and present whose ongoing guidance helps ensure healthy relationships between Country and humans; may we, as Environmental Educators, learn from them to help us deepen our connection with Country.


ACT Emerging and Environmental Educator of the Year Awards 2024.
Nominate yourself or an exemplary or budding ACT educator colleague, from a project, school, early childhood service or organisation doing excellent environmental education (EE) and/or education for sustainability (EfS).

There are two categories for the ACT 2024 awards: 
1. Environmental Educator of the Year - open to all current financial members of AAEE -
2. Emerging Environmental Educator of the Year - open to community educators with 5 years or less experience (AAEE membership is preferable but not required)

Learn more HERE Entries closing August 16th


The school theme for National Science Week in 2024 is Species Survival - More than just sustainability. The theme aims to highlight the importance of science and innovation in ensuring the survival and thriving of different species in an ever-changing world. Find events -
Teaching Resource Book
Download the free Species Survival teacher resource book (17.5 MB, pdf) and the
companion student journal (4.8MB, pdf). There is also a flipbook version of the
resource book. A listing of the web links in the book is also available if you are using
a printed copy of the book. Learn More HERE

                         Book HERE

Introduction to Composting + Worm Farming

  • Wednesday, 14 August 2024
  • 6:00 pm  7:00 pm
Bring along all of your composting and worm farming questions. In this free online session, we’ll cover the basics of composting and worm farming, answer all your questions, and troubleshoot any compost problems you might have. We want to bust common composting myths and make it as easy for you to compost as possible. Please bring along your questions and curiosity! 

Visit to the Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize 

When? August 18th, 12pm —3pm for lunch and viewing of exhibition.
Where? National Archives, Kings Avenue, Parkes ACT
Why? Members have requested more face-to-face networking with other like-minded environmental educators
Register by 9thAugust, as table must be booked. Organiser -Viv Pearce 


This Climate Essentials for Educators professional short course has been designed for teachers, principals, school administrators, education designers and education policymakers who seek an overview of the latest science, developments and innovative solutions relating to climate change for translation into classrooms.The course supports educators to increase their knowledge of climate science and solutions for the purpose of classroom learning.
It covers the science of climate change and latest projections, ways that climate evidence and misinformation can be communicated and addressed, the social justice and cultural dimensions of climate knowledge, innovative climate adaptation and mitigation solutions, and student and teacher wellbeing when communicating on these issues. Book HERE

This survey is designed to collect data regarding the current state of climate change education in Australia. We also invite your thoughts on what is needed to continue and further develop climate change education in all education jurisdictions. 
Your responses to the questions in the survey will be used to inform the Australian Climate Change Education Action Plan which will be negotiated and endorsed through a series of processes, culminating in the Australian Climate Change Education Summit in October 2024. Details are available here


Geoscience Australia knows that helping teachers to better understand and teach the Earth sciences will lead to better experiences for budding science and geography students. Throughout the year Geoscience Australia hosts Earth science related programs and events for teachers. These initiatives focus on the skills and knowledge needed to teach geoscience topics within the Australian National Curriculum, with particular attention to engaging girls in STEM. Learn More HERE

Step into the spotlight at the Better Futures Forum (BFF) 2024 in Canberra, September 10th & 11th. Join industry leaders, policymakers, and community in shaping impactful climate policy and creating better, climate resilient futures. Immerse yourself in two  transformative days at the National Film and Sound Archive. Participate in cross-sectoral talks, strategic workshops, and meaningful cultural programs to drive ambitious, economy-wide action on climate change through purposeful networking.



Albury and Wagga Wagga   Wiradjuri Lands

9-12 October 2024

We invite you to join other environmental education leaders at the Environmental Education NSW Conference 2024, being hosted at Charles Sturt University, Albury campus in Wiradjuri Country. The campus provides the perfect setting to connect with each other in sustainably designed buildings with natural woodland and wetland areas, a community garden and walking tracks.

Be inspired by stories of collaboration, empowerment and learning for change.Topics include wellbeing and resilience, agriculture as a climate and nature repair solution, social justice, designing learning for change and active hope. Book HERE

EVENTS Calendar August - October 2024

Environmental Educators Midwinter news

Welcome to nearly Winter 2024!

Welcome to the midwinter issue of the Australian Association for Environmental Education ACT news!

What have you spotted in your garden or neighbourhood on the growing chilly days? 

We've many flocks of small birds flitting around the shrubs and trees: Fairy wrens, brilliant Diamond Firetails, Yellow-rumped Thornbills and Silver eyes. The sounds of Black Cockatoos echo over the Molonglo Valley as they congregate on the Pine and Causarinas.

We begin each meeting sharing our nature observations to bring us into deeper connection with awe and wonder for our place on Earth. Let's make time to nourish ourselves and enjoy the beauty of the cycles of nature.

Reflections on Autumn

Julie Armstrong, our President and 2023 ACT Environmental Educator had a very successful Learning Circle leading up to World Bee Day celebrations. 

Thanks to all who joined our Autumn Mingle event at the University of Canberra. It was so good to meet up and share how we are each working for Sustainability and our environment and to learn more about the positive health and learning benefits of nature connection. Julie's talk and slideshow on Forest Therapy was interesting and informative, some great educational resources were also shared on the night. 

Our Executive team have been engaged with several other events around Canberra. The 2024 Schools Climate Action Conference at UC was a highlight for Executive members Glenys Patulny and Viv Pearce who attended. On the day, High school and College students met face to face with local change makers , including politicians, academics, business people and community leaders: and discover how Canberra s taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As a result of discussions and talk with experts present, students formulated real actions they could implement at their schools to reduce emissions. 
Glenys was involved i in the Tuggeranong Community Council Youth Forum with students from 7 high schools and colleges focusing on how the Environment and Sustainability is being taught at this level;
And further afield, past Vice President Julia Landford launched the Inaugural Nature Journaling conference in Brisbane. Julia is a passionate leader in this filed, bringing together such an inspiring gathering and her commitment to combining Science and Art through Nature Journaling. We're looking forward to hearing more. 

Tuesday, 16 April 2024

AAEE Newsletter Chapter Update April 2024

Dear Australian Environmental Educator ACT community

It’s been an exciting start to the year with 3 successful events in the ACT thanks to Bonnie Johnson upskilling us with the Communication and Strategic Planning event, Monty Nixon’s inspiring ‘Country as Teacher’ and Kate Rhook’s very engaging tour of the Icon Water facilities. Thanks so much for joining us. There is more news from Australia wide in the latest OzEEnews. 

We're looking forward to meeting new and familiar faces at these events and others throughout the year. Let's work together to strengthen our connection for education for sustainability and environmental education in our schools, universities, our workplaces and the wider community. It is such an important foundation for all of our lives. Please invite your colleagues to join the Australian Association for Environmental Education through this link.

Click read more for all the updates including our picks of events, local, national, regional and global EE calendar updates, with links.
To receive these updates in your inbox, contact and say hi!

Monday, 15 April 2024

Thursday, 11 April 2024

The First Australian Nature Journaling Conference Brisbane May 2024

Be there!

Member group NatureArt Lab are thrilled to announce the first Australian Nature Journaling Conference, which will be held in Brisbane from May 23rd to May 26th! This is an incredible opportunity for anyone who loves nature journaling to connect with like-minded individuals and immerse themselves in a wonderful networking event.

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Meet the 2024 ACT AAEE chapter team

A New Year and a FAB New Committee!

President- Julie Armstrong, artist, ACT for Bees founder, national AAEE Environmental Educator, to list but a few of Julie’s skills and interests. 

Vice-President -Glenys Patulny OAM, long term community, education and environmental activist, President Tuggeranong Community Council and Deputy Chair Southern ACT Catchment Group.

Secretary – Monty Nixon, PhD education student University of Canberra (U.C) and winner of the AAEE 2023 Brian Foreman Scholarship, which enable him to attend and run a workshop with fellow U.C student Jordan Harrison at AAEE 2023 conference on ‘Country as a Teacher’. 

Treasurer and Public officer - Jodie Green, National AAEE Treasurer and Public Officer, ACT Senior Secondary teacher.

Executive members 
Vivienne Pearce OAM (V.P. national AAEE, Educator Australian National Botanic Gardens-ANBG) Donella Johnston (secondary teacher and part-time educator at ANBG) 

Vacancy- if you are interested in joining Executive, contact us at , we are interested particularly in help to assist our secretary in the area of member communications, help and mentorship to learn new skills are available. 

Previous Executive members, who will still be advising and helping this year’s executive: 
Tarun Whan, Secondary Teacher and SEAACT (Science teachers) member. 
Karon Campbell, Primary Sustainability Teacher and SEAACT member 
Julia Landford, founder NatureArt Lab, immediate past V.P. AAEEACT, winner 2024 Telstra Best of Business ACT State Award for Building Communities.

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Dam to Tap World Water Day 2024 - Tour of The Cotter Dam, Pumping Station, Stromlo Water Treatment Plant

It's Kate Rhook, so it's going to be AWESOME

When: Wednesday 20th March 4:30pm-6:45pm
Where: Cotter Dam
Who: Kate Rhook ICON Water Community Engagement Officer

RSVP’s or changes to bookings close COB Friday 15 March 2024

Booking details below


Tour venues

Cotter Dam – Cotter Avenue

Cotter Pumping Station, Cotter Road

Stromlo Water Treatment Plant (SWTP) Stromlo Road.


Wednesday 20 March 2024


Time: 4:30 for 4:45pm -6:45pm







Bookings and Registrations






Maximum 24 participants

All participants are required to wear long pants, long sleeves and flat, fully enclosed sturdy shoes.   For the safety of our community Icon Water will not be able to accept participants who do not wear the correct attire to the site. We will supply the required PPE (Hard hats, High Vis vests, safety glasses, where required).

Carpooling for parking at Cotter Pump Station and Mount Stromlo is recommended. Possible to carpool and park at the bottom of Stromlo Road, to Cotter Dam.


Pre-registration is required from all participants attending this tour event for Icon Water operational sites and guard notification.

Please register through this pre-registration booking form link.


On the form, select the following tour name for your group in the drop-down tab:

ACT Australian Environmental Educators Association: Cotter Dam, Cotter Pump Station, Stromlo WTP @ Wed 20/03/24 4:45pm -6:45pm (0 of 24 Bookings - Private Guided Tour)

Saturday, 2 March 2024

Country as Teacher Workshop March 5 - Book now.

Country as Teacher Workshop with Monty and Ben

When: Tuesday the 5th of March, 4:00 – 6:30pm

Where: The Crosbie Morrison Room, Australian National Botanical Gardens

Who: The session will be co-run by University of Canberra PhD student Monty Nixon, and Dr Ben Wilson.
Event Information:
For many Indigenous people of Australia, indeed across the globe, Country is and has always been the central knowledge-holder. 

For Millennia, direct learning with Country taught people how to live in relational reciprocity, seeding social and ecological harmony and balance. 

This workshop invites you to consider the pedagogic opportunities of reinvigorating a way of knowing, being and doing in the teaching and learning of Environmental Education that honours this old wisdom. In the workshop, we will explore the foundational understanding of a Country as Teacher pedagogy, based on Senior Custodian for Karulkiyalu Country, Damu (Grandfather) Paul Gordon’s re-interpretation of an old way of learning, the 6L’s: Lore, Love, Look and Listen, Learn and Lead, an insight into the growing body of research into the enactment of this approach in schools and how to cultivate a Relating with Country Practice.

A Country as Teacher pedagogy offers all Australians an authentic opportunity to decolonise educational practices and promote a greater understanding of and care for the place in which we live.
More information about Country as Teacher can be found at this website: Country as Teacher
Priority given to AAEE members and teachers.

Like what you see? JOIN AAEE THIS YEAR! 

Monday, 26 February 2024

Members ONLY! Strategies for growing environmental education

Strategic Planning with Bonnie Johnson Saturday 2 March 9am-1pm. Dickson Room, Australian National Botanic Gardens

Bonnie is a highly experienced communications, marketing and PR professional who has worked in NGOs and Govt NFP sector for over 15 years. She will facilitate an introductory strategic communications and marketing workshop for AAEE ACT members so that we may be best placed to sustainably increase the impact and reach for committed environmental educators and EE advocates in the region.

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Happy New Year!

A New Year and a New Committee! 

AAEEACT elected a new Executive at December AGM,at  NatureArt Lab.

Julie Armstrong, (founder of ACT for Bees and national AAEE Environmental Educator) was also officially awarded the ACT Environmental Educator for 2023. How lucky are we as a Chapter of AAEE to have such a talented community educator within our ranks! 

Julie has been a driving force both in ACT and nationally promoting and advocating the importance and need to support bees and other pollinators. Read here about Julie’s many achievements. The Covid surge prevented Julie and others from attending AGM, as a result positions were finalised at the January Executive meeting. Drum roll the 2024 AAEEACT Executive!


President- Julie Armstrong, artist, ACT for Bees founder, national AAEE Environmental Educator, to list but a few of Julie’s skills and interests

Vice-President -Glenys Patulny OAM, long term community, education and environmental activist, President Tuggeranong Community Council.

Secretary – Monty Nixon, PhD education student University of Canberra (U.C) and winner of the AAEE 2023 Brian Foreman Scholarship, which enable him to attend and run a workshop with fellow U.C student Jordan Harrison at AAEE 2023 conference on ‘Country as a Teacher’.

Treasurer and Public officer -Jodie Green, National AAEE Treasurer and Public Officer, CIT teacher.

Other Executive members

Vivienne Pearce OAM (V.P. national AAEE, Educator Australian National Botanic Gardens-ANBG)

Donella Johnston (secondary teacher and educator at ANBG)

Vacancy- if you are interested in joining Executive, contact us at , we are interested particularly in help to assist our secretary in the area of member communications, help and mentorship to learn new skills available.

Julie finally receiving EE Award, January ANBG.               
 New Executive Team Glenys, Julie, Monty January, ANBG (Jodie and Donella apologies) 

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Australian Climate Change Education Summit and Action Plan

Australian Climate Change Education Summit and Action Plan 

Speaker Series starts January 2024 - Professor Tim Flannery - Register here:

1-day online Education Summit - October 2024 

More info here: (Centre for Regenerating Futures) 

AAEE Visioning Event - 14th February 2024

AAEE National Visioning Workshop 14 Feb 2024

There is a lot going on in the world and AAEE has some serious work to do! Come along and join your National Executive Committee in a VISIONING WORKSHOP to collectively imagine what our national organisation can be in 2024 and beyond. The workshop will be facilitated by Lisa Siegel, AAEE National President with the support of members of the National Exec.

The Workshop will be held via Zoom on WEDNESDAY 14 FEBRUARY 2024 from 3:30-5:30pm AEDT (NSW/VIC/ACT/TAS), which is 3-5pm in SA, 12:30-2:30pm in WA, and 2:30-4:30pm in QLD!

This will be an interactive, guided process where you will be asked to share what you think we should RECOVER from the past, REFUSE to keep doing, CHERISH from the present, and CREATE for the future. Come prepared to share, to listen, and to collaborate!

All AAEE members and allies welcome. We hope to have representatives from every State/Territory chapter, as well as educators from every sector.

A Zoom link and schedule will be sent out the week before the workshop. Please email with any questions.