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Sunday, 3 November 2019

Tidbinbilla and Birrigai

Link to Tidbinbilla and Birrigai Education

Link to Today I learned at Tidbinbilla Vimeo

Birrigai programs support the vision, 'Educating for a sustainable future. Several program themes are available and any number of combinations are possible - depending on the needs of your students.

About Birrigai Programs

Our environment programs are well mapped against Science in the Australian Curriculum. Birrigai teachers have developed programs and experiences covering biodiversity, endangered species, habitat health testing, the carbon cycle, Indigenous perspectives, wetland ecology and so much more! Programs target all stages of learning: we specialise in early childhood through to high school science and research projects.

Birrigai sits in a special place with respect to early European settlement of the ACT region. Together with our friends, the Tidbinbilla Pioneers Association, we have developed authentic experiential learning programs exploring life in the 1800's in this place. Beautifully capturing History in the Australian Curriculum, our heritage programs are supported by magnificent outdoor props and equipment true to the technology of the era.

About Tidbinbilla

The Tidbinbilla Valley has played an important part of the Australian Capital Territory's (ACT) nature conservation efforts since 1936 and was gazetted as a nature reserve and national park in 1971. Tidbinbilla forms part of the ACT Parks and Conservation branch within the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) of the ACT Government.

Tidbinbilla comprises of three precincts, Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, Birrigai at Tidbinbilla and Jedbinbilla, a previous pine plantation that is being allowed to regenerate back to its original state as a natural Australian sub-alpine habitat.

Tidbinbilla is considered a leader in wildlife reproductive biology through its work on the Southern Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby program, other macropod species such as potoroos and wallabies and with the endangered Northern Corroboree Frog. State of the art facilities, including a fully equipped veterinary surgery and Animal Breeding Centre, support the success of the program.

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