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Wednesday, 29 January 2020

The National Arboretum

Link to The National Arboretum Learn page. The Arboretum can provide a variety of facilitated education programs onsite that link with the Australian curriculum in the areas of Science, Sustainability and Geography.

National Arboretum Education

√ Early Learning Resources
√ Primary and Secondary Schools (K-10)
√ College and Tertiary Students
√ Community

Bookings are essential and must be made at least one week before the planned visit.

For information and bookings contact 6207 8156 or email

Facilitated programs for early childhood studentsFacilitated programs for lower primary studentsFacilitated programs for primary studentsFacilitated programs for secondary students


  • Year 1 and 2 programs- Tree walk - duration 60 minutes - How do trees grow, and what do they need to survive? What other animals and insects live in our trees?

This guided walk explores some of the tree varieties growing at the Arboretum, identifying the various parts including seeds, cones, flowers, and fruit. Students will explore where trees fit into food chains and cycles.

  • Our place - duration 60 minutes - How is the Arboretum being used by the community? What are some of the features, and what are they for?

This program explores the man-made and natural landscapes of the Arboretum, and how these features have been designed for special purposes. Explore some of the different ways the community uses the Arboretum, the activities undertaken, and why it's a significant place.

  • Years 3 to 6 Programs - Water and sustainability - duration 60 minutes - The Arboretum is home to over 48,000 trees. What do our trees need to survive and thrive? How do we manage to get water to all of our forests? How do we know which trees to water and when?

This guided walk explores the strategies and systems put in place to manage water onsite, with the end goal of creating a sustainable water supply. We also look at soil and tree health and how we are dealing with pests and diseases. Geography curriculum links - The natural resources provided by the environment, and different views on how they could be used sustainably (ACHGK024)
  • Conserving our forests - duration 60 minutes - How have trees changed over time? How have they adapted to their environment? What role does the Arboretum play in preserving these trees for the future?
This program explores the purpose of the National Arboretum, and what role it plays in the conservation of threatened trees. Students have the opportunity to walk through the forests and discover some of the unique characteristics of the trees, and their remarkable stories of survival.
Science curriculum links -  Living things, including plants and animals, depend on each other and the environment to survive (ACSSU073); Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment (ACSSU043); The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment (ACSSU094)

  • Walk around the world - duration 60 minutes - The trees we grow at the Arboretum come from all over the world, and from climates ranging from the desert to the tropics.

This guided walk explores some of the trees growing at the Arboretum, and uses climate zones and maps to examine what part of the world and climate they are from. We are able to explore how our particular climate is impacting on these trees, and what measures we are taking to ensure they grow successfully. Geography curriculum links - The main climate types of the world and the similarities and differences between the climates of different places (ACHGK017)

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